Ensemble mosaik
Rahvusvaheline Nüüdismuusika Festival
Aeg ja koht
03. nov 2019, 16:00
Tubina saal, Lossi 15, 51003 Tartu, Estonia
ensemble mosaik: Bettina Junge (flööt), Christian Vogel (klarnet), Ernst Surberg (klaver), Chatschatur Kanajan (viiul), Niklas Seidl (tšello)
Kavas: Lisa Streich – „Safran“ Ricardo Eizirik – „obsessive compulsive music“ Ehsan Khatibi – „Stitching II“ Enno Poppe – „Trauben“ Elis Hallik– „To Become a Tree“
Euroopa üks tunnustatumaid, nüüdismuusika staaransambleid Berliinist esitleb „AFEKT-il“ elektroakustilist kava Euroopa kompositsioonikonkurssidel rohkete preemiatega pärjatud noorema põlvkonna heliloojate loomingust, kellega seob mosaiki tihe koostöö. Ansambel on oma repertuaari valinud ka rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud noore eestlase Elis Halliku teose. ensemble mosaik on kollektiiv, keda huvitab nüüdismuusika kogu selle mitmekesisuses, selle areng ja esteetika. Eriline rõhk on koostööl noorte, sageli veel laiemat tunnustust mitte leidnud heliloojatega. Eelistatakse ühist, kõiki osapooli hõlmavat tööprotsessi, sest avatud koostöös on loovus kõige kontsentreeritum ja intensiivsem. Suurt huvi tuntakse ka digitaalmeedia võimaluste vastu, samuti katsetatakse uudseid esituspraktikaid, kaasates lavastuslikke ja visuaalseid efekte ning otsides uudseid kontserdivorme.
Piletid 10/5 Elleri kooli õpilastele tasuta
ensemble mosaik: Bettina Junge (flute), Christian Vogel (clarinet), Ernst Surberg (piano), Chatschatur Kanajan (violin), Niklas Seidl (cello)
Programme: Lisa Streich – Safran Ricardo Eizirik – obsessive compulsive music Ehsan Khatibi – Stitching II Enno Poppe – Trauben Elis Hallik – To Become a Tree
Founded in 1997, ensemble mosaik has evolved to become a particularly diverse and experimental formation in the field of contemporary music. Beyond their outstanding instrumental skills they display creative individuality and a never-ending joy in experiments. In years of tight cooperation they have created an entity of sound that is highest ranking both in artistic competence and openness to the most diverse concepts of contemporary music. Close cooperation with up-and-coming composers and the tying in of digital media are key to the ensemble’s work in composition, interpretation and presentation. It prefers an egalitarian workflow between all participants in a project. Transparency helps focus and intensify creativity. ensemble mosaik has cooperated with many composers over the years, thus enhancing a musical development in mutuality. A special focal point is the reflection of new approaches in performance, such as including scenic and visual elements, and the trying of new concert formats, shedding light on shared contexts connecting individual works, consolidating current strands and probing new perspectives. In cooperation with artists from other fields and musical genres, the concerts themselves become experimental designs.
Tickets 10/5 Free for Eller Music School students