Choral conducting
In the Department of Choral Conducting, students can learn to become a choir conductor. Students are prepared to pursue further studies at a higher music school or work as a conductor, a music, solfeggio or theory teacher, or as a professional choir singer.
The speciality of choral conducting is fascinating and diverse. Students gain practical experience as both singers and conductors in the school’s chamber choir and concert choir. Students have the opportunity to showcase their skills and compare themselves with others in the conductors’ competition involving three schools.
Studies conclude with a final examination in choral conducting, which includes practical work with the choir and a concert with a prepared choir and programme. The final examinations in harmony and solfeggio serve as entrance examinations for the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. Graduates receive the fourth qualification level conductor profession.
Students of the choral conducting speciality must complete the conductor curriculum.
Admissions for the academic year 2024/2025
May 8-16, 2024 (See more), application in the Estonian Study Admission Information System SAIS from March 11 to May 7, 2024
June 25, 2024, 11.00-13.00 speciality exam, 15.00 sofeggio tests; application in SAIS from June 1 to 24, 2024
Additional admission on August 26, 2024, 11.00 speciality exam, 13.00 solfeggio tests; application in SAIS from July 1 to August 23, 2024.
To apply
You must submit all the necessary documents:
Application in the Estonian Study Admission Information System SAIS
A digital document photo that can be uploaded to SAIS or taken on-site on the day of the examination
A digitally signed written consent from a parent or guardian if the student candidate is a minor (less than 18 years of age)
If you graduated before 2004 or your educational data is not available in the SAIS environment, please attach to your application a copy of the document certifying your education (certificate and results report)
speciality examination:
Conduct the Czech folk song ‘Springtime’ by heart, which is provided during the consultation, play this song on the piano and sing all voice parts
Play one piece on the piano
Sing a previously prepared song (eg folk song) without accompaniment
Answer questions to determine the student’s general cultural knowledge
solfeggio test
Piret Hendrikson, Head of the Office of Academic Affairs,, phone 744 2405
Lõpphinde maksimumpunktid 10
Solfedžo testi peab olema sooritatud positiivsele tulemusele. Tulemuste põhjal moodustatakse õpperühmad.
TÄIENDAV INFO: õppeosakonna juhataja Piret Hendrikson,, tel 744 2405