Youth Department (grades 1-9)
The Youth Department’s solfeggio groups and timetable for the 2023/2024 academic year are available HERE.
The Youth Department of Heino Eller Tartu Music College includes students in grades 1–9 who also attend a general education school at the same time. In the Youth Department, it is possible to study:
Classical music – piano, string instruments, guitar, wind instruments, percussion instruments, accordion, harp and Estonian zither
Pop-jazz instruments – guitar, bass guitar, percussion instruments, piano
Folk instruments
Choral conducting (for students in grades 8–9)
Speciality classes are held twice a week. In addition to speciality classes, there are also solfeggio, general piano and ensemble classes.
Students are accepted into grades 1, 8 and 9 as well as the development programme for future musicians (from 4th grade) based on their musical aptitude and a keen desire to learn to play an instrument.
Admission requirements for the academic year 2023/2024
In addition to the speciality test, first grade students must also pass the solfeggio test.
Singing a song of your choice
Singing individual notes, intervals (second, third, fourth, fifth) and triads (M, M6, M64, m, m6, m64) by ear (piano playing the reference and student singing along)
Musical memory exercises: the teacher plays a short melody on the piano, the student then repeats the melody on the la syllable
Tapping the rhythm: the teacher taps a two-bar rhythm and the student repeats it
See teachers here
Development programme for future musicians
Admissions for the academic year 2023/2024 are closed.
The development programme for future musicians is open to students from the 4th grade onwards.
The development programme for future musicians, launched in the autumn of 2014 at the Heino Eller Tartu Music College, allows a talented student from a music school in South Estonia to participate in speciality studies at the Eller College together with their speciality teacher. The student receives a total of four speciality lessons per month from the teacher at Heino Eller Tartu Music College and, where possible, participates in the work of the Eller Youth Department.
All supporting subjects (solfeggio, music history, basic instrument) are taught at the student’s home school. The speciality teacher from the student’s home school participates with the student in the Eller College classes and works on an equal basis with Eller College teachers. In addition, the teacher can participate in all the masterclasses of visiting lecturers (primarily EAMT) as well as pedagogical and methodological courses. The teacher will be awarded a continuing education certificate for the year of the development programme.
Elleri kooli ruumides (Lossi 15) tegutseb ka eramuusikakool Ardente, kuhu oodatakse koolieelikuid ja/või esimeste klasside õpilasi. Õppetöö toimub septembrist maini. Õppetöö on tasuline.
Kontaktisik: Laidi Heinmets
Tel: 527 0996