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- School building



Heino Eller Tartu Music College recording studio
was completed in autumn 2014 together with the new school building.

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Sound engineer, studio manager


The sound studio comprises two acoustically designed rooms: a larger room, ie the recording studio, and the sound control room. The sound control room is equipped with modern and high-quality sound equipment, including a professional microphone array. It is possible to make 24-track recordings from the Tubin Hall as well as from the sound studio and ensemble classes. The listening room is equipped with surround sound system, including a 5.1 surround monitoring system (Genelec) and stereo monitoring systems (Neumann, Genelec).

The sound studio is multifunctional: it accommodates rehearsals for both small and larger ensembles, facilitates lessons on music technology and electroacoustic composition, hosts workshops and provides a venue for more experimental events. We specialise in studio recording and are looking for interesting sound effects for the creation of electroacoustic compositions.



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